My favourite boy husky....

Getting ready to run....
I am very happy today.

I got to run with my favourite boy husky for hours and hours and Lady Human told me that I am doing something very special and exciting on Friday…..

Lady Human was a little sad when she put my harness on today, she cuddled me lots and told me that she was going to miss me lots.  I thought that we were going out just her and me but then she got Kroi’s collar and lead and asked if he wanted to come too.  Kroi never says no to running or going anywhere with Lady Human. 
Kroi leads the way...

Kroi is allowed to run with just his collar and lead, but I need to wear a harness because I like to pull and Lady Human says it would hurt my neck if I didn’t wear a harness.  One day I hope I can run on the long lead and collar because it looks like so much fun.  Kroi runs back a forth between me, Lady Human and all the exciting sounds and smells of the countryside.  He likes to wee a lot, which is silly as he should go before we start running….
Finally won him over...

Kroi is my favourite boy husky and I like snuggling up to him when I am sleeping.  He likes it now, but didn’t when I first moved in.  He was such a mummy’s boy husky and didn’t know how to treat Lady Huskies.  He got really grumpy when I followed him everywhere and wouldn’t let him have any of the toys – he said they were his. 

He has changed a lot since I have known him and is now nearly a grown up.  He is going to be a daddy later this year and he said that if he has a baby girl he will call it Lara.  I think he was just being nice to me as I think he wants a baby boy husky to play rough and tumble with.

It is fun running with Kroi and Lady Human.  Sometimes we go really quickly and sometimes we just trot along admiring the view.  We always see lots of furry creatures and Lady Human gets cross when we try and catch them.  I think she is just jealous as she isn’t fast enough to catch them…

Lady Human kept on barking today and making “choo” noises.  And her voice sometimes sounded funny too.  I wondered if an alien had taken over her body like sometimes happens in the movies, but Kroi told me that she just had a bug.  That sounds weird as the only bugs I know are the ones that crawl across the floor and I try to eat….
See, I am prettier than him, but he is rather handsome

Another big scary dog tried to hurt me again today and this time it wasn’t Lady Human that protected me, it was my favourite boy husky.  He knocked the dog down and tried to sit on it, he didn’t hurt it, but the bad dog decided not to attack me again.  The bad dog’s owner eventually took his dog away.  I don’t think Kroi liked the bad dog or his owner as he stood staring at them until they were safely away from us and I think he was muttering something under his breath.  Lady Human gave Kroi lots of cuddles and told him that he really was turning into the dog that she dreamed of…..

Lots of other dogs came chasing after us, but we ignored them and kept on running.  I think the owners of those dogs shouldn’t let them off lead if they are naughty.  One dog chased us across busy roads and was very lucky not to get hit by a car.
It was safer when we were in the countryside as the country dogs and their owners behave.  It was the town dogs and their owners that didn’t have manners….

We met a nice old lady that wanted to talk to the Lady Human.  She said that it was amazing how well behaved we were.  I think she was mistaken as Kroi was pulling funny faces to make me laugh when the two humans were chatting…..
Shall we go upstairs now..?

When we got back home Lady Human went out running with Krofti and then Kez.  Kroi and I thought that she got lost when she went out with Kez as they were gone for ages.  We snuggled up together at the front door waiting for them to return. 

Then we all had lots of breakfast and Lady Human even let me have some of hers.  Lady Human then went back to bed so I lay beside her bed as it was warm and comfy.  The boy huskies all stayed downstairs – I think they were too tired to climb the stairs….
I think Lady Human forgot that today was Sunday as we all went running in the evening too….  Kroi and I had to wait until last and he got really upset about this and had a bit of a sing song to let everyone know….

We ran up the track to the big hill and Lady Human kept on asking us to stop and then she played with her little box that makes “dring, dring” noises.  Then she suddenly squeaked really loudly and crouched down low.  Kroi ran over to her and started making funny little noises.  I tapped her with my paw to make her run again, but she didn’t want to.  She turned around and headed home, we never made it up the hill, but I did try and catch a mouse on the way back….

I had a really fun day today and I think I am going to have even more fun next weekend…..

Lara xx

(photos courtesy of Sandra Bowers)

Free the Lady Husky one...

I don't like being in jail
Lady Human put me in jail today.  She said that I needed to spend time on my own to consider my behaviour towards old huskies.  She said that I was very rude to Kroft and that I should think about what I had done and apologise to him.  

So I wrote him a letter.

Dear Krofti,

When I shouted at you today it was only because I thought you couldn’t hear me.  I know you don’t hear very well these days and so I wanted to help.  I didn’t mean to use a bad word, it just sort of came out and my “nasty face” as Lady Human called it, was just because I had an itchy nose.

I didn’t mean to push you out of the way when you tried to say hello to Lady Human, but you did just cut in front of me.  I know I came from the other side of the room, but I was heading that way too….

And I didn’t really steal your food I just thought that it was mine.  I know I have a pink bowl, but in the bright sunlight your beige one did look a little pink to me.

Sleeping on my bed...
When we walk together I don’t mean to be rude, but you are really slow and boring.  So I try to hurry you along even though Lady Human tells me off.  I know she sometimes gets impatient too as I hear her little mutterings under her breath when you sniff the same piece of grass one hundred times.

When I pulled the bed away from you as you were sleeping today I was only trying to let you know that it was my bed and that you would be more comfortable in your own bed.

The pizza crust last night was fair game in my opinion.  I know the Man Human gave it to you, but you placed it on the floor so I assumed you were too polite to refuse the gift from him.  Yes it was just under your nose and between your paws, but does that really matter...?

I wasn’t really trying to pounce on you the other day.  Maybe if you didn’t walk past my launch pad then I wouldn’t have mistaken you for a big mouse.  I know the sofa isn’t a proper launch pad, but when I am playing space invaders with the boy huskies I sort of pretend that it is, well until Lady Human stops me….

Kez telling me off
I want to be your friend, but don’t understand why you ignore me and why the other boy huskies sometimes will not let me talk to you, especially Kez.  He can be quite grumpy sometimes when he pushes me away from you or stops me jumping on top of you.

Can we be friends please?  Lady Human has promised that if I am nice to you then I will be allowed out of jail to play with the boy huskies and go running and stuff.

I promise not to steal anymore of your food or be rude to you.  I will try not to make silly faces at you or stop you getting attention from the Humans.  If I do will you be my friend and tell me how beautiful I am.  You could share your food with me – I can eat the bits you don’t like, I am not fussy…

So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am sorry for not being nice to you, but you started it…..

Lara xx

(Photos thanks to Ian J Berry & Sandra Bowers)

Today I asked a butterfly to play...

I wonder if it wants to play...
Today was fun.

Lady Human stayed at home to “tippy tap” on the computer, and every now and again she spoke to the little black box that makes “dring”, “dring” noises.  I like when Lady Human is here as I can follow her around and watch all that she does - sometimes I just stare at her.  If I stare at her lots, she starts smiling and then gives me stuff to eat or toys to play with….

Me hiding, bet you can't see me..
Sometimes she gets cross and tells me to go away.  The boy huskies stay out of the way when she gets cross, but I pretend to not understand and hide under the table so that I can still be close to her.  I make myself really small so that she doesn’t know I am there.
The butterfly
Anyway, today I followed Lady Human upstairs and into the room where the humans sometimes hide.  She was talking to something on the window ledge and I wanted to know what it was so I squeaked at her to let her know that I should see whatever she was looking at.

I asked him if he wanted to play...
She did as I told her and it was so exciting.  Lady Human had found a beautiful fluttering butterfly!  I was a bit confused as I don’t think that the cabbages in the garden have started growing yet, so I don’t know what it has been eating to turn itself into a butterfly.  Krofti told me that the real life creatures that look like Kroi’s Colin Caterpillar are born green and eat lots of cabbage.  Then they go to sleep for a long time and when they awake they turn into butterflies.  I think that is really cool and sometimes I wish that when I go to sleep I will awake and have beautiful wings, just like the boy husky that visits me in my dreams.

Planning an escape..
I was fascinated by this beautiful butterfly and asked it if it wanted to play.  It got really scared and flew away when I tried to touch it with my nose.  Lady Human tried to find it again, but I don’t think she did because she went back downstairs to go “tippy tap” on the computer and talk to the “dring”, “dring”….

Lara xx

Kroi's Colin Caterpillar disguised as a Husky..

My Solo Adventure

What are we waiting for...?
Today I went on a big adventure with the Lady Human.  It was a ladies’ day out, no boys allowed.  Apparently I am not allowed to go on the really long and relaxing runs with the boy huskies because I misbehave and then Kroi misbehaves too and then it is not relaxing.  I think the real reason is that we are too fast and strong for Lady Human – she should get fitter then it would be easier!  I could show her how to sprint up and down the garden….

I like running on my own as I get to explore and have fun.  When I run with the boys they just want to keep running and running and don’t want to stop and sniff.  The even ignore rabbits and birds sometimes, so boring!  My motto is “if it moves, chase it”, making sure that the human chases it with me too.  I sometimes make mistakes though as leaves and litter blowing in the wind aren’t really worthy of chasing, but when they move I can’t resist.  Then I have to pretend that I was just doing some sprint training as Kroi laughs at me for being silly.

Lady Human's view for most of today..
I asked Kez why he ignores furry creatures and interesting smells when he is running with Lady Human.  He said that he didn’t use to ignore them.  When he was a baby and before he did lots of running he said he used to chase things and stop and sniff every tree and all the holes where the rabbits hide.  He said that he did so much of it as he was growing up that now he only needs to do it every so often.  He said that when he is running with Lady Human he has a job to do and that is to keep running and to remain focused and make sure that Lady Human does too. 

Kez also said that he used to pull and pull when he ran with her but she asked him to not pull and just lead the way.  He said that was really hard to do as he has a deep seated desire to always pull, but he has learned to do what Lady Human really wants him to do and now he only pulls when she specifically asks him to.  That sounds a bit silly to me as I love to pull and Lady Human likes it when I am happy so why would she want me to stop pulling….

I never got to do any exploring when I was a baby as I lived in a box and didn’t see the outside.  Then when I was a little older I had to look after my own babies and never got to do any exploring.  I never had fun like I do now.  I think the Lady Human understands because when we go out together and without the boy huskies she stops a lot and lets me have fun.  We run really quickly too, but then we stop while she gets her breath back and I can sniff and explore.  When we stop she points her phone at me, not sure if she wants me to call someone?  Perhaps I could call the boy huskies and tell them how much fun I am having….

Wonder what lives in this hole
Today we helped two naughty pointers find their humans.  They had run away chasing deer and the owners were really upset when they spoke to Lady Human.  A little while after seeing the upset humans we saw the naughty pointers in the distance.  We ran towards them to get their attention and then they saw us and started chasing us.  I got really scared as it was a pointer dog that hurt Kroi recently.  Lady Human told me to run as fast as I could back where we came from.  So I did and the naughty pointers came sprinting after us.  They got closer and closer and I ran faster and faster, what if they wanted to hurt me too…

Follow me!
Lady Human suddenly stopped and stood right in front of me as the naughty pointers came charging towards us.  Suddenly the upset humans appeared and the naughty pointers changed their mind and ran over to them instead.  The humans were so happy to have the naughty pointers back.  Lady Human told me how good I was and that I didn’t need to be scared as these pointer dogs were friendly ones.  I didn’t want to say hello to them though as I had other stuff to do….

I found this huge hole that smelled amazing and there were lots of little tasty rabbit currants beside the hole.  The hole was big enough for me to crawl into and so I tried to.  Lady Human started laughing and told me I would get stuck!  I think what she actually meant was that she was too fat to follow me down the hole….    

Mmmmm rabbit currants
We ran some more and I tried to chase some birds.  Lady Human is like an anchor when she is attached to me and she slows me down so the birds fly away chattering rude words back at me.

Trying to get close to Lady Human
It was so much fun and when we got back home I followed Lady Human everywhere looking for more fun.  Humans are really cool to be around now that they don’t scare me anymore.  Lady Human got really sad and her eyes started watering when I sat on her foot and tried to cuddle her leg.  She said something about me having to grow wings and flying nests.  That sounds silly as I am not a bird and I don’t think nests can fly.  Only birds and butterflies have wings. 

We maybe that’s not quite true as the boy husky that I sometimes see in my dreams also has amazing silver wings…..

Lara xx

Little people & scary monsters

Me as a scary snake...

Sometimes Lady Human takes me running on my own, without the boy huskies.  I like when we do this as I get her all to myself.  She lets me do silly things like bounce up and down like a lamb and grab cabbage leaves in my mouth.  She laughs when I do these silly things and I like when she laughs.  I don’t like when she gets cross when Kroi and I race each playing racing car games.  She should just practise running faster and then she would be able to keep up with us….

The other day she took me running to a place where there were lots of little people.  The little people were all wearing blue jumpers.  The little boys wore trousers and the little girls wore skirts.  Lots of them wanted to speak to me and they were really nice and gentle when they touched me.

We ran down a path where an adult human was walking with her little person.  The little person started screaming and ran down the path away from her lady human.  She wasn’t on a lead and her lady human was too busy talking on her phone to call her little person back to her.  I wondered if the little person was running to the grassy area because she needed a number two.  When we got to the grassy area the little person was just standing there screaming and her eyes were watering.  She looked really scared and I got really scared too.  Perhaps there were monsters hiding in the grass that were going to hurt us….

Lady Human stopped running and crouched beside me.  I didn’t feel scared anymore, but the little person could still see the monsters and her eyes were still watering.  My Lady Human kept speaking to the little person and as she spoke to her I noticed that the little person was coming closer to us.

Lady Human kept cuddling me and I snuggled closer to her as I knew she would protect me if the monster suddenly attacked.  The little person’s adult human had decided to stop talking on her phone and she started speaking to Lady Human.  I think she said something about the little person being hurt by a bad dog.  I think she meant to say a dog with a bad human, but was a little confused.

I know that dogs should never hurt little people and it made me sad to think that this little person had been hurt by one of my kind.  I tried to edge towards the little person just as another little person suddenly appeared.  This little person shouted “husky” and reached over to touch me.  Lady Human let him cuddle me and I liked it lots.  When he left I turned around and the little person with the watering eyes was standing right beside me.  Her eyes were no longer watering and as Lady Human continued to speak to her she put her hand on my neck and gently touched my fur.  Then she started smiling and rubbed her hand all around my neck and head.  I liked it a lot.

Lady Human was smiling lots and I think she said something about “husky magic”.  Then the little person started smiling and said I “looked like a silver fox”.  She said it so happily that I smiled and bounced around after we left her and started running again.

I like little people.  They don’t scare me and seem to know when I am scared.  Some adult humans don’t understand me and they try to touch me when I don’t want them to.  Most little people wait until I relax and then they touch me.  I think some of the little people understand me in the same way as Lady Human does.


(photo joint effort of S. Bowers & Ian J. Berry...)