The Blueberry Plant

I'm bored, with a capital B. Kroft is in a grumpy mood and keeps grizzling at me. Kade is all hot and bothered and lying snoozing in the kitchen. I want to have some fun...

Pulling some branches from the big tree didn't kill much time. Everyone still is in boring mode....

Ahh, there is a new little tree over near the brick shed. It is in a little plant pot that I saw Lady Human digging in the other day. As I walk closer I can smell her all around it. Yippee, she always wants to play with me, maybe she left this little tree for me to play with. What a good idea!
I get all excited as I think of my play time with Lady Human, I don't always understand what she says to me, but he always says it in nice voice that makes my tail wag and ears flop

Yes, she must have left me a new toy for when she goes out to work. I'll take it into the kitchen and have some fun.

I try pulling it with my teeth but it is stuck in the mud. Never mind, I can use my paws to dig it out. With some digging, and then extra big tugs with my teeth I pull the plant out. Whoopsie, some roots were in quite deep and have pulled the pot over as I tugged. Big scary crash which wakens Kroft. Best get out his way as he is in a major grump!! Ouch, I wasn't quick enough. I think he still has some of my fur in his mouth. One day I will be big enough and so fast that he wont be able to catch me.

I wait until Kroft goes back to his corner in the garden and I return to my tree. There is still a big clump of mud on the roots, as I pull it into the house through the dog flat it leaves a little trail of mud, just like the one a snail leaves – only this one is muddy instead of slimey. It gets a little stuck going into the kitchen so I tug a little more and some of the leaves get caught in the door.
This is fun, I can run round in circles in the kitchen with my tree, leaving muddy, snail trails on the rug. Kade makes a tut, tut noise from his corner near the place where all the dirty dishes go. “Lady Human will be so mad when she sees what you are doing. You are so going to get shouted at”. Kade is always right, like the wise owl that lives in the tree at the bottom of the garden.

I start to panic. Don't like it when Lady Human gets cross, makes me sad and then Krofti gets all grumpy and sometimes bites me really hard. He says that Lady Human can't bite me so he has to “sort it” for her. I think he's wrong because she doesn't look happy when he bites me, she gets all sad and I know she is really happy when we are good boys. She tells us so and goes all smiley and hugs us, sometimes even kisses us – yeuchh.

I don't want Lady Human to be cross, or Krofti to bite me, so I will take the tree outside and put it back in the pot. Much easier to drag it back through the dog flap, there is hardly any mud left on the tree roots, just looks like a stick with green bits now.

I put the stick next to the pot, but eat a few leaves before I go. Kai say's we need to eat green vegetables – not quite sure if leaves are vegetables, but they taste okay. And Lady Human will have so much fun planting the stick again, she enjoyed it so much the first time.

Just in time, sounds like Lady Human just got home. She'll never know....
