The little dog did love to dream. She dreamt of a place where she could run. A place where she was free and happy and her babies were safe. A place they could all run free together.
Her life was sad and she was always scared. Her dreams took her to a beautiful place, a promised land for those that dream….
One day the door to her prison was opened and she placed her feet upon grass for the first ever time. She stretched her legs and dreamed of more….
She never again saw the man that held her a prisoner in a small cage. She met new people and got to explore a whole new world. An exciting world of different smells, sounds and sights. People spoke to her, shared good food with her and welcomed her into this new world. It was an exciting world, but still a scary world and the little dog still loved to dream….
She dreamt of her babies, did not know where they were and if they were safe. She longed to see them one more time.
One day the little dog had a terrible fright. She was so scared that she ran and ran. She had never run alone before and the further she ran the more scared she became. There were so many strange smells and sounds and no friend to help her understand them. She did not know where she was. Her legs hurt and her paws were sore. Her whole body ached from the effort of running so fast.
Suddenly there was a flash and the little dog felt pain no more. She continued to run and as she ran each stride became easier. She flew across the ground. There was brightness everywhere and lovely smells and sounds. The little dog smiled as she ran. This was the place of her dreams and she was really there. In the distance she saw her pack - her brothers, sisters and all her babies. They gently called to her as she ran towards them. She felt extreme happiness as they nuzzled her and playfully jumped upon her.
They played together for hours and then the leader of the pack told them that it was time. They gathered together and then they ran. As they ran the little dog felt her legs go faster and faster, so fast that each bound took her further from the ground. Suddenly the ground was no longer beneath her feet, yet she continued to move forwards. She looked around and saw all her pack now flying high above the ground.
As they flew the little dog looked down and recognised all the places where she had once been….
The horrid man who kept her in a box and took her babies from her was far below. He no longer walked free and he now lived in a box with bars. He looked sad and grumpy and just stared at the wall of his box. He had no friends and it looked like there was no door in his box made of bars.
And then the little dog saw the family that had shared their sounds and smells with her. The family that had fed the little dog - touched her and told her how special she was. They all looked sad and tears flowed down their faces. They held a photo of the little dog close to their hearts. The little dog whimpered as she did not want them to be sad. The leader of the pack flew to the little dog’s side “fear not my little one, in time the tears will stop and they will remember you with smiles and happy thoughts. They will love you forever and never forget how they helped save you from a different life”. The little dog looked down upon the family one last time and then called her babies to her. She would miss this special family very much, but now she was finally living her dream.
The little dog had found that special place that she had always dreamed of. She had found her babies and found her pack. She no longer felt pain or sadness and no longer was she scared. But best of all she could now run free, forever and a day she would run forever free…..
Lara xx
Lara xx
(image courtesy of Ian J Berry)