Little Boy Blue: My 5 new bestest friends

This is me

My name is Little Boy Blue, but you can call me “Spike”.  My favourite film is Gremlins and sometimes I pretend I am the really cool Gremlin called “Spike”….

“Spike the Gremlin” is the coolest and I wanted to be just like him when I grew up… That was until I met this super cool husky.  His name is “Kroi”, but you need to say Kree else he ignores you!  He is a big grey husky and he is so much fun to play with and do stuff with.  He is so fast and strong, but really chilled.  He is a super dude.  Sometimes he even lets me sleep with him.

My hero!
Where I live there is also a big brown husky and he is really cool too.  He is always asking me if I am okay and fusses around me.  Sometimes he tells me off when I do fun stuff, he says I am being naughty, but I just think he is a goody two shoes.

Me shouting at Krofti
There is also another husky that lives here, another grey one called Krofti with blue eyes just like me.  He doesn’t always want to play with me and gets grumpy when I shout at him.  Kez says he doesn’t trust me and I need to earn his trust by being a really good boy.  

When Krofti gets cross with me Kez pushes me away and stands between Krofti and me.  Krofti then goes away and sleeps and when he wakes up his eyes don’t look all spaced out like.  

I am trying to be a really good boy and I think Krofti is starting to like me ‘cos he came and slept beside me last night.  He thought I didn’t notice, but I peeked out my eyes and lay really still and pretended I was sleeping.  When he started snoring I fell asleep too.
See, he sneaked in beside me...

There is a Lady Human and Man Human that live here too.  I like them lots and lots!  They give me lots of really nice food and I no longer have a hungry tummy all the time.  I used to not get much food and always went to bed really hungry and cold ‘cos I didn’t have fur and my skin was all pink and red..  I think I scratched off all my fur as I was itchy all the time.  My fur is growing everywhere now even my ears feel warm!

I really like cuddling the Lady and Man Humans.  I like it best when I can climb on them and fall asleep with them holding me.  That’s what I used to do when I lived with another person.  My old Human person helped keep me warm and cuddled me ‘til I fell asleep.  The new Human people wait ‘til I fall asleep and then they put me on the fluffy bed in the corner.

I met lots of new people this week, but some of them ignored me.  I put on my happy smiley face and tried to jump up to say hello, but some of them just walked past.  Kez and Kroi don’t seem bothered when people ignore them, but I felt really sad as I want to say hello to everyone I see.

Me sleeping with my 3 of my new friends...
I met a really big dog the other day and was really scared.  It was ignoring its Human and it wouldn’t leave me alone even when I shouted at it.  Lady Human told it to go away and then it did and I snuggled up to her and tried to sit on her lap.  She smiled but wouldn’t let me and gave me a big feather to play with instead.  It was so much fun and I forgot about the scary dog.

Gotta go now as the big boy huskies want to race me to the top garden, they say they are going to help me be a really fast runner.  One day I would like to run with them ‘cos they go running for hours and hours with the Lady Human and are so happy when they come back.

Little Boy Blue xx


  1. Little Boy Blue! How lucky you are! And to have such lovely new friends and loving humans to look after you. I know you will have a very happy life from now on and you will never go hungry again. Lots of love from a Quirky Cow and her 2 crazy Springers. xx

  2. I'm so happy to see he had recovered so well and he has meet so many friendly huskies. I've been following his progress through this blog. I hope someday I'll be able to make a husky as happy as he would make me for letting me spend his life with me.
